Managing Users

Managing Users

Defog lets you manage users and their permissions. You can add new users, update their roles, and delete users.

Roles in Defog

There are two roles in Defog: admin users, and general users.

  • Admin users can add other users, align the model, and manage the database
  • General users can only query the database

Adding a new user

Users can be added by going to the Manage Users tab in the top navbar.

Adding users one by one

This is the simplest way to add a user. Fill in the user's username, password and role, and click on Add User. You can also use this to update the role or password of an existing user.


(For enterprise customers only) If you want a user to use SSO to login, leave the password field blank.

Finally, you can click on the "Add Users" to add the user.

Adding users in bulk

Uploading a CSV

You can also add users in bulk by uploading a CSV file. The CSV file should have the following columns:

  • username
  • password (leave blank if you want the user to use SSO to login)
  • role

Click on Upload CSV to upload the file.

Uploading via a Google Sheet

This is similar to uploading a CSV, but you can use a Google Sheet instead. The Google Sheet should have the same columns as the CSV.

Please make sure that the Google Sheet is viewable by anyone with the link.